This was brought to my attention last week; another young producer using his talent to seek truth within the samples and melodic drum patterns he constructs on this beat stream. At 18, Young Krysis calls these beat tape projects Meditations – another ride into a set of volumes  that speak the universal language of music. Volume 1 is the talent, looking for a medium, evolving within 20 tracks. Meanwhile the the second volume, The Dark Night Of The Soul is equipped with eight easy moods enhanced with a deeper set of emotions riddled with experimental ties. So, if you are so inclined about what your listening then it is recommended you go and listen to both the first and second volumes for more in depth audible pleasure. If you want more, hit the jump for some streaming action to keep your auditory pallet on deck. This is the Bond and we welcome you with open slaps.

Take care and don’t forget to support…! Ghea.

Meditations II: The Dark Night Of The Soul

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