DON’T. PANIC. I know it’s past mid month but we still have HashFinger’s dope monthly offering to share. And he’s gone all out on this one.

As you know I’m a great fan of HashFinger. His beats have such a Traditional flavour but they remain, almost paradoxically, so original and atmospheric. Dude’s drums are always on point too, probably the best I’ve heard from a producer. The lengthiest EP yet, coming in at 12 tracks (you can preview a few of them above), and it’s available for a paultry £2. Go check it out.

[viral-lock]BUY ‘April.12’ HERE[/viral-lock]

Make sure you check all of his previous featured releases, which you can do so here, and the dope Sinoptic collective he’s a part of.

HashFinger: SoundCloud • Bandcamp


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