Somehow, some way, Kanye West always manage to find himself in some controversy. Whether he’s beating up a photographer, or that stunt he pulled on stage against Taylor Swift back in ’09, he just somehow manages to find himself back in the spotlight. My thing is… why? But that’s neither here nor there. Anyhow, a few weeks ago he posted this about his second verse on New Slaves — on twitter:
I open the debate… The 2nd verse of New Slaves is the best rap verse of all time….meaning … OF ALL TIME IN THE HISTORY OF RAP MUSIC, PERIOD
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) July 20, 2013
Obviously that quote has got everyone talking over the innanets, and thanks to Pigeons & Planes, you can read the responses from some rappers, blog heads, disgruntled fans and more. Speaking of rappers and responses, there has been only ONE person who stepped up to respond to this nonsense — ADD-2. Peep his response.
Add-2 – Sorry Kanye But This Verse is Better
[wpsharely]Download Sorry Kanye But This Verse Is Better: Audiomack[/wpsharely]