“King’s Speech” is a self-empowering and uplifting record from the musical partnership between Cam Be and Neak who is working on a full-length project entitled a film called black. “King’s Speech”  breaks from the monolithic picture media has used to paint POC over the years. Some of the lyrics explore the daily struggles of the black man and his journey to self-actualization in an environment that doesn’t seem to favour him but regardless he keeps pushing on while it also deals with love, nostalgia and family values. The record is bolstered by a soulful and solemn backdrop ripe with warm and joyful pads, nostalgia-inducing horn passes and a sparse drum groove that serves as the perfect canvas for vivid lines like “A righteous path, devils lie at the road that you gotta pedal pass/filled with doom like the man with the metal mask“. Joining them are veteran Chicago emcee Add-2 who reflects on the good and bad times and vocalist Elisa Latrice who peppers the track with her soothing vocal runs.

Overall, “King’s Speech” balances insight, and introspection with a touch of soul for your playlist.



Stream “King’s Speech” on SpotifyApple MusicYouTubeDeezerPandora

Keep up with Cam Be  | SoundcloudTwitterInstagramSpotify

Keep up with Neak  |FacebookInstagramTwitterSoundcloud

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