ADad & Tensei return to our pages with the visuals for their record “Danger Us”. The jazz influenced record takes a visual form under the direction of  ADAD. The video is dedicated to the misguided and fallen sons in the struggle. “Danger Us” is a story about the reality of what happens when you come up young and reckless. The stick up kid in the video (Darius Johnson) is a character like so many of our lost sons and brothers, his life is turmoil, his conscious is compromised and his actions are vicious. He victimizes for survival, not oblivious to his wrong but not aware that he has alternatives. As with so many stories his ends in retribution, another sacrifice to a cycle that never seems to end. The chorus by Yaw Ageyman who adds his own unique perspective on the subject matter.

This is definitely something to grow on.

Stream/Buy on Bandcamp: HERE

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Keep up with  Tensei | Bandcamp : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram

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