Airport 5 PREVIEW – GRAB GRAB GRAB. by Word Is Bond
Greetings,yall.. so here I am,Torch,as some of you guys know me. I want to start these chronicles off by talking about my ‘AIRPORT’ album series. In early 2007 I had been working on a series of new tracks around jan and feb. The wether in vancouver at the time was pretty mild (for yall who dont knowVancouver gets spared the winter weather attrocities associated with a good portion of north america and canada,in particular.) Anyhow,with that being said, the nature of some of the tracks i was working on at the time took on a ‘spring like quality’ , as far as vibe and content go. I was slowly amassing close to an album’s worth of material by the end of feb,that year. I had to take a trip to montreal for a couple shows and appearances. Was good times but the weather was shnit. Upon leaving montreal I had a fairly long wait at the airport before my flight.
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It was afternoon and I tried to be creative in passing the time. I stepped out for a cig in front of the terminal and snapped a random cell fone pic of the ‘view’ : the curbside with a bus and other vehicles and i think the control tower may have been in the background as well as the multileval parking facility. A simple ,mundane shot of what the frequent traveller sees too often. I went inside and bought a book by dougls copeland (i forget which one,mightve been “j-pod”), sat down and did some reading for a while.
I went out for another cig and it was dark by that time. I noticed how the view and objects in it were seemingly unchanged. There was something mildly comical about it. All airports sort of just ‘blur together’ when you are a trubador. lol I snapped another pic in the dark. It was almost exactly the same scene as the earlier pic. Anyhow,i finally got on my flight back to vancouver.
When I got back to vancouver I turned on my phone and looked at the two fotos. Right then and there I decided i was going to create an album project based off of how the fotos made me feel.I already had a lot of new material done but i made some revisions and recorded a new batch of tracks and entitled the project AIRPORT. It still stands today as one of my fave albums ive done and for the following years since I have made sequels to it,as a spring themed series. I am hapy to say that airport 5 is now on the way and due for a late march release on wandering worx records.
2 Tracks off “Airport 4“:
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Moka Only – How Do You Feel Today” dl=”0″]
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Moka Only – YLFM” dl=”0″]
—moka only
Preview Aiport 4 above and buy any of the Airport series on CDBaby, suppport good music.