After three successful events that included Pete Rock, Georgia Anne Muldrow, two orchestras, Novena Carmel (the youngest daughter of Sly Stone), the emergence of two outstanding women who would be the leading talent called Voices of Gemma, and one hell of a lineup which included amazing local talent – here comes the fourth installment of awesome jazz that will be taking you on an journey through the Harlem Renaissance and then some, brought to you by ArtDontSleep. These actions you’ll be witnessing sonically is what came as the result of the latest release from Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad called ‘The Midnight Hour‘ (<—- stream here).
As more details about this event has surfaced, the astounding maestro behind Jamla will be the special guest spinning a special jazz set for the evening. Along with 9th Wonder, DJs Al Jackson & Sacred will be assisting with the vinyl as well.
All of the magic will be taking place at the Lodge Room Saturday evening. Tickets are already being sold, so don’t miss out on this evening.