“POWERS” is a thought-provoking soulful collaboration between multi-instrumentalist Kosie, rapper  Sugi DakksTJ Wilkins, and producer CARRTOONS. The result is an uplifting and conceptual track that puts the listener in the shoes of the young black man in modern-day America. The catch here is that the black man has the power to freeze the fire and live free like every day is sunny. The record was birthed after the tragic murder of George Floyd.


Alekos “Kosie” Syropoulos is a multi-instrumentalist producer based in Los Angeles. With a dying love for jazz, funk, hip hop, and electronic music, Alekos has started paving his way with his new music which incorporates synthesizers, woodwinds, and a mixture of live and sampled drums. Future funk would be a somewhat accurate description of his sound.

He is recently featured as the saxophonist on the song “King James” by Anderson .Paak on the upcoming album, “Ventura.”


Keep up with Kosie | Soundcloud: Bandcamp: Spotify: Instagram

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