For practically a month now, this album has been on my playlist. It came in the mail but in dealing with personal issues it has been somewhat difficult articulating in writing the essence of this material. Now, I have been able to really process well, I will say a few things. Soulciety are quite impressive no doubt especially for these cats Havalanche & Tafa (the duo of Shxxp Bxforx), Freeborn and DG Mastered to come together and bond into an eclectic band producing an off-kilter vibe and sound in an environment that is complacent with chasing the popular mainstream vibe. Hence, We,Soulciety thus stand out as a unique body of work complete in artistry from the soundscape to the lyrical quality and poetic and soulful attributes. For all the beauty that this project offers, the downside to this Soulciety material is the mix of the whole package with a lot of the tracks sounding as though they were pulled out from the data stage without going through any engineering process. That aside, this is still quite pleasing to the ears. I suppose its just right to shout Nigeria STAND UP!!!

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