[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”2374475205 ” size=”venti” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#800200″]

Raised with the sounds of soul in the backround, Born One naturally developed a sense of rhythm that would play a major role in his music career. After gradually touching base with all aspects of the culture, he’s become one of the most versatile artist of the underground scene today.
Born One released his first full length album, Peace & Park lp, in the summer of 09′, semi-exclusive to his own independent label, NuWurd Records. The album was entirely produced and written (besides feat.) by Born One himself, digging crates and writing rhymes with a chip on his shoulder.
In the summer of 2010, Born One continued to add to his self produced/written collection, by releasing, Hand Me Down’s lp, which was originally supposed to be released in 2011. The album was the fourth album to be released on his independent label NuWurd Records.
With no plans to stop in the near future, Born One is currently wrapping up his third self produced/written album Spare Change lp (due to drop November 5, 2011) , as well as producing for a handful of talented up and coming emcees.

WIB CATCHING WRECK!! Support and slap this properly!! AZ HEAT ON DECK!!


Born One:Website


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