OSVN, a renowned conscious Hip Hop artist, presents his latest single “Mindset.” Over an arrangement set to spark the brain, looped with boom-bap cadences, OSVN delivers minutes of lyrical jewels and gems.

Showing off a disciplined mindset, OSVN depicts what separates him from others in the industry. He prides himself on how he moves both on and off the mic. While others front on Social Media or shadow one-hit wonder trends and fads, OSVN is off the grid developing and executing master plans.

“Mindset” will take Hip Hop enthusiasts back to a time when wordsmiths painted prolific lyrical canvases, no gimmicks just an explosive nuptial between an emcee and his/her mic.

Stream “Mindset” on preferred platforms


Connect with OSVN


Instagram: @_OSVN_

Facebook: OSVN

YouTube: OSVN318


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