Post Archive
November 2020
Omega Empire and Danny Boone share “Leon’s Hustle”
Omega Empire teams up with Danny Boone on the hard-hitting single
TrigNO & Sean Starks share “KOMP”/” Shorty Up North”
Columbus, OH-based rapper/producer duo made up of TrigNO and Sean
Fliptrix shares visuals for “Broken Glass” [video]
UK emcee Fliptrix shares the visuals for his song “Broken
Top submissions EP4 Nov, 2020
We are still dedicated to showcasing the best tracks/videos from
All Star Opera and Decent at Best drop some feel good vibes on “Be Right Back”
Seattle based 6 piece hip-hop/soul band All Star Opera team
Matt Nye drops new full length EP ‘I’ll Be Fine’
Emerging emcee Matt Nye shares his new project I’ll Be