Substantial is back and now has formed a soulful alliance with producer Algorythm. Together they craft solid music on Substantial’s upcoming Always Ep and the latest leak is the Wayna assisted heartfelt head nodder titled Lasting Impression.
Built on well crafted syncopated drums,angelic vocal chops and a thumping bassline, Lasting Impression delivers the goods without me going into full details regarding the song.
Y’all already know how Substantial gets down on the microphone so hit the play button and get with the program.
Maryland emcee Substantial collaborates with The Stuyvesants’ producer Algorythm and GRAMMY nominated, Ethiopian-born singer/songwriter Wayna for the first single of his new EP Always, produced in full by Algorythm. The single, “Lasting Impression”, is a straight up head nodder and displays the chemistry that Substantial and Algorythm have brought for this new EP.
Stream the single now, and download it instantly when you pre-order the EP via Bandcamp. Always will be available via all digital outlets on July 17th.
Substantial’s full length album The Past Is Always Present In The Future drops fourth quarter 2015.