Kurt Cobain probably now has more relevance to hip hop than ever before. One of music’s true enigmas as the head figure of Nirvana, he was philosophical, known for his familiar, self-reflecting posture as well as being an outstanding, unique musician – but fought with demons as a rock star beyond which most could comprehend before a violent suicide back in ’94. Now, as Kanye West declares “hip-hop is the new rock”, rappers are the new rock stars, and it just so happens two fellas out of Europe drop a mixtape dedicated to Kurt Cobain which Word Is Bond is delighted to premier.
illuzual and DJ Hellblazer are two relics from the now defunct Sinoptic Music. However, like a phoenix from the ashes, Sinoptic International was born in it’s wake, and it is part of this West Yorkshire-gone-worldwide collective that this release is a part of. Bradford’s illuzual takes care side one of two, with his unmistakably mellow, sedate and dusty style. Some real neck breaking ish. DJ Hellblazer, who hails from Paris, takes over on side B, and like a ying & yang his more exuberant style contrasts well. They weren’t just digging in the crates for this one however, as they go back through the archives of Kurt Cobain interviews and interweave some of his own words in to their beats. So, while on the face of it it may seem a contrast in worlds, Cobain really is someone who transcends genre, and this beattape is a fitting tribute.
It’s a fairly short release – about 5 minutes each side – but “it’s better to burn out than to fade away.”
-side a : illuzual ( Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK )
” I was looking for something a lot heavier, yet melodic at the same time. Something different from heavy metal, a different attitude. ”
(Kurt Cobain)
-side b : hellblazer ( Paris, France – Skopje, Macedonia )
“ Punk is musical freedom. It’s saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster’s terms, ‘nirvana’ means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that’s pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock.”
(Kurt Cobain)
[wpsharely] Download Nevermind: Bandcamp[/wpsharely]