Ever since that unforgettable verse on ‘Winter Warz‘, the Clan’s man Cappadonna has definitely made his mark in hip-hop. With the possibility of a new Wu Tang Clan album in the works and major solo output from the man himself, 2013 is looking pretty good from a Staten Island perspective.


1 We are currently zoning out to your 8th release (Eyrth,Wynd and Fyre) and from what I know, you have the sequel to Pillage coming soon. How do you balance promoting the new double disc, touring and recording material for the sequel?

Its like, while I’m towing for the EWF it gives me the opportunity to promote The Pillage 2. I’m able to touch land and promote in one shot, its a nice harvest for Kingz N Queenz LLC.

2 How do you feel about the ever dynamic hiphop climate? Looking back, do you feel there has been a disconnect between the new age MCs and the culture? 

Yes its a semi disconnect but its nothing the time can’t heal. We have to form a better understanding; once the understanding is formed then its all good. We just gotta talk to the youth, not at them, ya know.


3 In the age where independent record companies have taken centre stage, major labels are basically the “bank”, so to speak. Where do you advise young artists to pitch their tent?

If you can get major distribituon than yes, but that’s how the game is now. Wverything is at the touch of a button and its only gonna get more advanced, and pretty soon your gonna have drive thru supermarkets. Ha.

4 Even though you still work with GFK, will we ever get another full length Theodore Unit project?

That’s Ghost project you’ll have to ask Ghost that. I’m over here in the hills trying to get them hills.

5 In the video for “Can’t Believe It’s Him”, you took us back to the cart race tracks-which triggered memories of “Black boy”. Was that intentional or is it that cart racing is another hobby of yours?

I come from the fast life, fast cars, fast women, fast cash. Its just a reflection of my childhood, my youth. I’m gonna always be that black boy no matter what.

6 What has been your most memorable or inspirational gig and why?cappadonna_wordisbond

Every gig was inspirational because it was based upon effort, and that effort produced progress and that progress produced work, and as long as I’m getting this work, you gonna get this werk!!!


7 What do you fear most?

What I wouldn’t enjoy seeing my family, myself and those that I love not able to live better and to build a better foundation not able to live better amongst this nation.

8 Who would be your ideal dinner guest, living or dead, and what would you serve them?

All my family members that’s deceased, I’ll get them some manna and qual.

9 What should everyone shut up about?

Who did what?

10 What are your current fixations?

I’m fixed on money, power and respect with God in the forefront!!

11 What was the last LP/cassette/CD/eight track you bought with your own money?

cappadonna_thewordisbondI just bought about 12 css , mostly mixtapes, old hip hop , new hip hop, Meek Mills, maybach posse, trey songz


12 Any secret collaborations in the works? 

Yes its a couple of them, I hope they work! I gotta get the right formula.

13 Last words for the audience tuning in.

Positive education always corrects errors\don’t fight yourself, invite yourself. Go to kingznqueenzllc.com for all upcoming info.

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