[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”1823093725 ” size=”venti” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#800200″]
Abjo released “Obrigado!”, a few days back…classic goodness. Abjo still in our opinion, a majorly slept on producer. Don’t miss out ya’ll..support that true production
Welcome to Obrigado!: a brazilian inspired beat “mixtape”, full of released and unreleased beats of mine that fit in the category of beats coming from minha alma (my soul, for the natively english speaking folks).
This mixtape is my prequel to a long awaited, much anticipated, thoroughly contemplated KC.93/Midnight Kids released beat tape, which, still untitled, should be released early spring next year. Until then, take your soul (alma) on a ride and let this be your early reminder that another summer soon comes, and that this is one of many soundtracks to that summer madness…