If there’s one thing I can say about J-Live, it’s that he’s a dope artist.. not only as a rhymer, but more of a courteous one. There was one act that didnt get a chance to shine on the mic, and during J-Live’s set, Justice let him do his thing on the mic by freestyling. During J-Live’s set, he performed a lot of classic material, and a few new tracks (like No Time To Waste) that supposed to be coming out on his new album, due to be released this Spring. Before the show (and I wish I had a camcorder), J-Live spoke about all the spots he’s done in LA with ButtonPusha (secret: he’s a HUGE J-Live fan lol). As the crowd got large and it filled up the room, the host DJ B-Original started playing some dope hiphop music just to warm up the crowd, getting the crowd to groove to his tunes!
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First act of the night, turned out to be Alwayz Prolific (left) and Open Mike Eagle. These brothers started off their set with some beats that Prolific was showcasing while Eagle was rhyming and singing to them. Then they turned up the notch to make it soulful for the bunch in the audience, especially for the ladies. With Eagle singing and cracking jokes on the mic, we can already see what direction that this event was going.
Next act: the lovely Rina Cervantes. What was revealed to me during her performance was that she was on the new Ron Artest mixtape. I tripped out on that factor and she’s also working with some local talent in the area. She sung her butt off too, and by the way she was dressed with a one-piece, dudes were drooling LOL. But nonetheless, she really did a great job in her set. Be on the lookout for her in the near future! Trust me, you had to be there to see why she was added on the mixtape. She can really sing!
This cat RE-UP, reminds me of an old-school latino gangster who had tales of hardships and street life! His delivery was sort of off, but somewhere along the line, you can feel what he was talking about. In all seriousness, it wasnt bad in the way that he sounded, but the delivery was what I think everyone was trying to flow with. But with all due respect, everyone gave him his props when he was done. I cant front.. he really wasnt that bad, and I gave him props at the end of his set to show him respect.
Now this guy, WASR.. he was the most [insert funny adjective here] guy out of the whole entire roster that came down to rock the crowd! Not only was he funny, he was drunk and he took up a LOT of time (which was BAD); so much time that one of the acts (TiRon) was unable to perform. Well, to be quite frank.. he was a HORRIBLE artist. Even some of the people in the audience were so exhausted from this guy that a few people in the audience didnt have anything nice to say to him. I felt bad for WASR, but I was more remorseful towards the guy who got his set taken away from him.
Oddsequence (of BP & ODDS) took to the stage and rocked at least 4 joints. During one of the joints called The Plan, he brought out L. Scatterbrain and J-Rod for a freestyle session over the instrumental. The crowd were instantly won over during the set. It’s dope to see an artist garner crowd participation without any effort being put in at all. I was saddened that they didnt perform my favorite joint. But oh well, maybe next time…
Then there’s R2 (Revolutionary Rhythm). They have already came with a fanbase. Some of the fans wore their shirts in support of these artists, and they have definitely rocked the crowd with their presence. In fact, of the girls in the audience recited every song that they performed, word-for-word. It was crazy! They definitely have what it takes to take their music to new heights, with gaining fans along the way. You have to see them in person just to prove my point.
Now, A.R.S. (Artistic Rhythm & Soul) has came out with some conscious music. I dont mean to put the word ‘conscious’ out there like it’s a fad, but there really wasnt any other way to describe these cats. Anthony Alvarez (left) was doing the rhymes, and he had a back-up ad-lib vocalist and singer name Kid Wonders. They came out pretty smooth, and from the looks of things, I think Anthony had family in the audience that was cheering him on. Check out the video they’ve done at the show called Be My Neighbor.
Here’s Versis, who you have seen as an opening act for DJ Premier last month, and really a dope artist. The more I see him do his thing, the more I’m becoming a fan. This guy really have a lot to say in his rhymes. I dont know what it is about this guy that’s great, but all I know that he can definitely put on a show! Check him out in future events in Los Angeles!
Check out the rest of the pictures from this event below.
J-Live: website | facebook | twitter | bandcamp
Open Mike Eagle: website | facebook | twitter
Rina Cervantes: soundcloud | facebook | twitter
DJ B-Original: website | podomatic | facebook | twitter
A.R.S. (Artistic Rhythm & Soul): youtube | facebook | twitter
Revolutionary Rhythm (R2): facebook | twitter | bandcamp
Versis: twitter | bandcamp
TiRon: facebook | twitter | bandcamp