Something’s a-blazing in the Manchester hip hop scene – most likely it’s Pro P, Cheech and Bill Sykes A.K.A. The Bluntskins. But these smokers don’t slack! While they are working through bongs, zoots, and pipes galore, they are laying down some of the illest hip hop music the UK has to offer. The trio have managed to put together an LP of stellar smoke-themed hip hop that we haven’t seen since Cypress Hill in their prime.
The album offers straight up hip hop with a variety of beats to keep your interest throughout. The majority of production is handled by Pro P, and a contribution beat from Pete Cannon (Smoke Dat Piff). On the MC duties are two of Manchester‘s biggest blazers, Cheech The Grim Reefer (Mothership Connection) and Bill Sykes (TNC). These MCs have the skills, but what I have always liked the most about these two quick-witted individuals is there ability to write hilarious lines and to keep their lyrics constantly entertaining.
The album is available in both digital and physical formats and can be purchased from the group’s bandcamp page. I’m copping a CD for myself, if I can find Cheech in this cloud of smoke.
[wpsharely]Purchase The Bluntskins LP[/wpsharely]