Post Archive
November 5, 2019
Daugaard and Riggz the Lord are lamping on “The Kick Back “
Ogden, Utah based rapper Daugaard links with fellow emcee Riggz
Jay Kasai and Daylyt share heartwarming stories on “Pray For Me” CA-based rapper Jay Kasai delivers a heartfelt record titled
James Gardin x Jahshua Smith x Terem share a heartwarming piece titled “Sad Black Boys”
“Sad Black Boys” is an insightful look into the less
Unexpectedly, Brother Ali releases new Evidence-produced album…
Rhymesayers’ labelmates Brother Ali and Evidence have planned a collaborative
Ev Thompson & Moka Only team up on “Ricky Chip$ with Young Je$$e”
Saskatoon-based emcee Ev Thompson teams up with rap legend, Vancouver’s