Dee & Kamy are 2 dope brothers from Lithuania…I had to pick my jaw off the floor upon seeing these 2 working the lyrics and production live on a radio show to perfection, on a tribute to GURU (RIP)…Need to keep an eye on these two fou shou.
“Dee & Kamy officially created in 2007. We had a rough start, and with out any doubts, we decided to prepare a debut album. A group consists of 3 members: Dee – Producer of Dee & Kamy, DJ. (Black Diamond Records). Kamy – Lyrics/MC. Mamertas – Brings sound of funk with saxophone. We represent real hip-hop, witch establishes funk/soul/jazz types of music. Ladies and Gentlemen we are – The Returners Of Classic!”
Thanks to Real Hip Hop Forever for the scoop