All right… so now I just woke up in Cologne at Robert Winters place, where I have slept on the couch for the last few days. Miles arrived last Monday, we had two days to rehearse and I think the show will be dope… like the last week was.

Vienna was very nice, I just love the city. We had a good show with Brenk and Dexter on Friday, although it was hot as hell, the sweat just kept dripping down from my nose while I was djing. And somehow the humid atmosphere kept us from drinking too much. Which is very unusual if Brenk and I get together. But in the end it was all good, the next day I was just walked the city from west to east. Beautiful!

The next morning Dexter and me caught the plane really early, arrived in Cologne, took a nap and then we went to the beat bbq. We had 1200 visitors… it was crazy. We had to close the doors because there were too many people… a big success. Check the video by lefto…

That weekend was really exhausting, I had to take it slow for a couple of days… so I chilled with my family for a bit, said hello to my brother and my nephew. Then I had my first gig in my hometown Dusseldorf, which was also cool. I’ve met a lot of people I haven’t seen in years, it was a whole lot of fun.

And now the tour actually has started. Today we’re heading to Stuttgart, which is located in the south of Germany. It’s the first official tour stop. Can’t wait to see how people like the show.


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Then tomorrow we drive to Vienna (again), I think its a 7 hour ride. shiiit, but I have my 3ds and some weed with me, so I wont get bored. On Friday we’ll have a show at europes biggest outdoor festival, the “donausinsel fest”. after that a couple of interviews and a radio-show at fm4, a great radio-station in Vienna, where we meet my man Trishes, who’s running the dopest show on the station.

On Saturday miles and me are djing at the “message-party”, which is hold by Austria’s biggest hip hop magazine. Looking forward to this, just djing, no live show… I love that too. So, that’s the plan for the next days… I will say what’s up after the weekend.

Miles Bonny & Suff Daddy

stay suffy!

Tour Dates & Links:

22.06. Stuttgart, Mono
24.06. Wien, Donauinselfest
25.06. Wien, Roxy
30.06. München, Atomic Cafe
02.07. Erfurt, Centrum
06.07. Berlin, Cassiopeia
08.07. Dresden, Altes Wettbüro
09.07. Plauen, Alte Kafferösterei
10.07. Hi-Hat Club @ Splash Festival
14.07. Hamburg, Waagenbau
15.07. Köln, Arty Farty Gallery

Presented by Step Forward Booking,, Mixery Raw Deluxe, splash! Mag &

Check the tour diary on Facebook to stay up to date.​Lumberjack.and.Gin.tour.2011

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