This is HANDS DOWN, my personal high point of 2012. I admittedly am a MASSIVE fan of the Procussions…heck, it was pretty much the demise of the Procussions in 2007, that got me thinking on creating a website, where I could uplift the acts I truly believe in.
And now there’s HIGH hopes for the 2nd coming on the Pros…Mr. J & Stro are officially working on a new album, as we speak but it will only happen, if the Pros, achieve their IndieGoGo goal of $10,000 by the end of November. So we are asking for your help to go and show your support to one of the most underrated hip hop acts to ever come along.
If you not familiar with The Procussions…you should, peep the video below and check all our previous posts. And we HIGHLY recommend you checking their 2 releases…5 Sparrows for 2 Cents and as Iron Sharpens Iron
Buy the Procussions albums from Amazon