The legendary O.C follows up his recent album release ” A New Dawn” with a brand new set of visuals for the title track. Employing the classic Nina Simone sample layered over a gloomy backdrop, O.C paints a harrowing portrait of our world’s future.
Video director Harold Urena brings the song to life using various motifs. O.C is placed on a rooftop overlooking a city that seems like an aftermath of a mild nuclear fallout and also scenes of him flanked by men wearing all-too-real masks of Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, the Brooklyn rap king provides a vivid lyrical breakdown of his current mindstate, and where we may all be headed if things don’t change. Not to give too much away, but it’s pretty clear where the world—or what’s left of it—could be headed, but it’s not all doom and gloom from O.C. and .
“A New Dawn,” is the debut set of visuals off the February 16th release of his latest effort, A New Dawn, which is the second phase of his Same Moon Same Sun trilogy.
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