Everyones favourite LA Jesus-lookalike Jonwayne has dropped Cassette 3: The Marion Morrison Mixtape upon the masses via Stones Throw. This time there’s a difference: the first two were exclusively cassette releases (unless you’re signed to Stones Throw’s drip.fm) but, as well as a physical release, Marion Morrison is also available for free digital download, so I guess that makes it third time lucky. Like his I Don’t Care mixtape, he goes over a bunch of 3rd party beats from the likes of Madlib – enjoy his flip on ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ – and DJ Premier to show off his lyrical ability, along with some friends (Captain Murphy, Jeremiah Jae, Zeroh, you know the deal). A very sick mixtape, but we expect that of Jonwayne.
Jonwayne’s Cassette 3 – the last in a trilogy of cassette releases – is the Marion Morrison Mixtape, featuring Captain Murphy, Jeremiah Jae, Zeroh and Oliver the 2nd. Some of the beats are by Jonwayne, others recycled from the Gods of Rap. The original Cassette (R.I.P.) and Cassette 2 were both cassette releases only. This time around we’re offering a free download of the album. The cassette version is slightly expanded, containing a bonus track. Running time: 37 mins. Mastered by Daddy Kev. Artwork by Jeff Jank
About the title: Jonwayne’s real name is Jon Wayne. Marion Morrison is the real name of the Hollywood cowboy guy John Wayne, who took his screen name from Jonwayne’s great-great-great-great-great uncle. What comes around goes around.
[wpsharely]Download/Purchase Cassette 3: The Marion Morrison Mixtape: Stones Throw[/wpsharely]