[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”952980691 ” size=”grande” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#4285BB”]
The good people at Project Mooncircle recently dropped this gem of a compilation consisting of a great roster of wonderful musicians from across the globe, what a way to kick off the 2012. So cop the free release by clicking on the bandcamp link.
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This is a story about a young Russian girl named Jinna Morocha who had a vision of one day flying to the Moon.
Many years ago during the hard times of life in Moscow, the young girl saw the Moon consciously for the first time and at that very moment the dream began. These vivid thoughts remained in her mind and she started to ask herself “How can I get to the Moon?“. Soon she found the label Project: Mooncircle over the internet and told them her story, at once she saw a chance to come a few steps closer to her dream. By now Jinna lived in Germany and it was possible for her and the label to meet, her key question was “Can you bring me to the Moon?“. The answer was a faltering “No, but maybe we can let you fly to the Moon in your mind. Let’s build the soundtrack to this vision, close your eyes, clear your thoughts and let us begin on your journey“. That was the beginning of “The Moon Comes Closer“, come embark upon this voyage with us lead by the next level soundscapes of:Robot Koch, fLako, Pavel Dovgal, I.D. 4 Windz, John Robinson, Lambent, Nienvox, Juj, Mr Cooper, MyOwn, Long Arm, Daisuke Tanabe, Graciela Maria, Scienz Of Life, Andy Kayes, Abnormal, Capella, Comfort Fit, Kan Sano, Gards From KC, Puzzle, Sense of The Q4, Sotu The Traveller, V. Raeter, Himuro Yoshiteru, Skyence, Dexter, Portformat, 40 Winks, Dela, Brazzaville & Killing Skills.
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Peace and Love in 2012