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Hey, just a bump. We’re always lookin out for suggestions for new posts, whether they be videos, EPs, interviews, whatever, andd stuff we might have missed. If you have something you think we’d wanna share, don’t hesitate to share it on our forums. Already in the past few months we’ve had BeNeVoLeNcE had his two dope albums featured, AndyLam’s introduced us to TastemakersNJ, Paater’s started something us off sharing Hip Hop from round the world, and more, up to discussions on deep issues of Hip Hop. We can never have enough of your contributions. So get involved!

Remember you can sign in to our forums using Youtube/Facebook/Blogspot/etc. accounts so you got no excuse not to! And hey, write something interesting enough we might turn it into an article for you.


Got something you think we’d like to feature? Post it in our forums.

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FREENESS: ADaD x Tensei - Smoke It Out

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AUDIO: Reach - The Pen Pusha Mixtape