In 2009, I thought it was clever to make a Top 9 of 2009 list of my favourite albums of the year. The following year, The Top 10 of 2010 made sense too. I have kept the tradition going strong but this year I feared that I might have some difficulty coming up with two dozen albums for the list.

I started off listing albums by memory and came up with about ten. Then I looked at some lists floating around the World Wide Web. I kept seeing on album on everyone’s list. It was one I wasn’t familiar with. I checked it out and could see why it was so celebrated. It made my list here today because of that.

Then I had to dig a little deeper by going through my hard drive to see all the albums I downloaded from last year and which ones I thoroughly enjoyed playing.

I still didn’t have 24 albums but I knew my Top 5 albums. I know that one of them will probably be a shock to most of you.

I then checked my saved albums from last year on Tidal and I finally had enough to fill this list.

I started putting the show together and all of the tracks fit in my two hour show. I even had space to include a surprise at the end. Skillz returned after a three year hiatus with his Rap Up series. It was a great way to close the show.

No tracklist today. I want you to be surprised as I do the countdown.

Press play and enjoy!

If I missed something that you think should have been on my list, please drop a comment. Maybe we can all discover something knew with this show!

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This episode aired January 9, 2025 at 10:00 pm ET on 94.9 fm Radio Western.

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No Face, No Name - 'Love Was Never Enough' [Album Review]

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Nick Marv - 'Warrior in the Garden' [Album Review]