‘Smile’ is the first official video from the seven man crew The Fusionists – it actually came out a while ago but I just got wind of it – who are armed with tight production from the resilient Dr Mad whose soulful and melodic soundscapes provide a smooth canvas for the verbal artists to paint their thoughts over. The thing I like about this video is the switch at the end which basically means its three songs in one, with ‘Smile‘ being the main video of the lot. This is definitely that feel good, summery-type music. I’m digging this and I suppose y’all should too. Get with the program
Straight out of Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal, hip hop group The Fusionists is composed of seven creative minds. In a matter of circumstances and timing, the NoBad Sound Studio members recently teamed up to create an album project entitled Shared Vision. The project originated as an initiative from la Maison des jeunes de Côte-des-Neiges, but quickly surpassed all expectations. Coming from different backgrounds, the artists decided to mix their ideas and lyrical styles in order to share their thoughtful messages and their positive vision. the result is a melo-lyrical hip hop sound through which they communicate their personal outlook on life and their vision of the world over the soulful production of Dr. Mad and TR3S