Pay attention now folks.. R2 (Revolutionary Rhythm) Kid Abstrakt and Predominance are the duo droppin’ fire amongst us… Also can’t forget their back bone DJ Million Faces.. But either way, their sophmore debut project goes in… “SoulVibes” is very much nutrition for your everyday rotaion, wouldn’t doubt it that you could possible use the project as somewhat of a medical practice, it is therapeutic on how the tracks handle R2’s flow.. This should not be passed up.. Have a listen and purchase if you will.. Timeless heat ghea!.. Knock this properly and salute!

Thank you everyone for all the support and love. Hope yall enjoy the sounds provided. We are always down to vibe with our fam, lets build. Shoutout to Suhnraw, Rythmatical, Ohbliv, & Weirddough. Peace


[viral-lock]Download “SoulVibes” On Bandcamp Click Here[/viral-lock]


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