Emerging rapper and all-around creative Helixx C. Armageddon shares her new single “Rollercoaster” which dives into the unpredictable variables of life in depression. She makes use of an ominous backdrop to deliver her message and it’s quite engaging from start to finish. Armed with a distinct vocal tone and vivid lyrical stylings, Helixx takes listeners deep into the action as she unravels her thoughts while battling depression.

This is the first single released from the forthcoming album House of Helixx.

Helixx C. Armageddon is an experimental performance artist that weaves together poetry, music, and theatre to shift her audiences from observers to participants. Known for impassioned performances, Helixx channels a space for community, connection and dialogue. For her, words are powerful and create more than narrative; words create action and momentum towards a more just world.

Get “Rollercoaster” on YouTubeApple MusicDeezer

Keep up with Helixx C. Armageddon   | Website:  Instagram

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