Muskoka, Ontario Canada-based producer District Lost  is back with his new project titled  Beats From DL’s Vault #1. The 8-track compilation is a collection of unused, unreleased beats from the producer’s stash.


The first track “One” has a weird offbeat vocal-like sample with a prevalent bassline and soft drum grooves to match. The track has subtle sample changes that add a layer to the beat and break any form of monotony. On “Two”, District Lost flips a classic guitar sample that crate diggers would recognize and makes something refreshing and playful with it. The beat however doesn’t change up and uses the same 4-bar loop till it fades. This is followed by “Three”, a smooth dusty lofi track with a sparse arrangement and a solid bass-laden drum groove. This track has a touch of nostalgia as well.


We then move on to “Four”, where District Lost employs an offbeat sample chop with off-centre drum grooves. I like the way the drums get lively when the hi-hats come into play and the overall feeling I get from this is akin to a Sunday afternoon frolicking in the park. Other dope tracks include the retro jazzy boom-bap vibes of  “Five” and “Six” which have a 90s hip-hop bounce and rich guitar sample. Overall these tracks have a playful and off-kilter feel to them.


The project closes out with the lounge aesthetics on “Seven” which evokes reflective thoughts while the final track “Eight” is bolstered by sparkling keys, clipping vinyl crackling sounds and a thumping bassline to complete the mission. Overall, these beats sound like something that could be developed further but for now, it’s all about the vibes they provide.



Keep up with District Lost SoundCloudYoutubeInstagram

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