Bionic The Soul King has become synonymous with beat tapes. This producer straight out of Nigeria who has been expanding his catalogue and amassing accolades hits us again with another project but this time his inspiration is drawn from a serious environment and he calls it Freedum. Sharing his thoughts on the energy in creating this tape he says;

“…I just want to use it as a way of expressing my thoughts on theology and politics and how they intersect. Plus, express my distrust and disillusionment with politicians.”

Bionic The Soul King really gets deep with it and you can hear it in his crafting of the beats and samples both the soul pieces and vocals. He even goes on to assert that he has a poetic representation in the body of work;

“…Building the Nation is my musical representation of a poem of the same name (as written) by Henry Barlow.”

There is not much else to say than to listen to this literary albeit political piece and overstand.


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Top 10 instrumental submissions EP 1 March, 2019