Most people think Hip Hop is a US only deal…
BBC analyses artists from all corners of the world and sees why Hiphop is so influential and easily adaptable to any culture.
Here’s some of the best quotes….(pretty accurate, and food for thought):
Ben Herson:
“Africa is the true “birthplace of hip-hop” It travelled through the transatlantic slave trade to the US, via the Caribbean – that’s what created this culture”
“Hip-hop is the missing connection between the US and Africa. It’s about a conversation within the African diaspora. There was Creole culture, the blues, jazz, rock’n’roll and it has become hip-hop.”
Palestinian Rapper Jreri
“It has started to be one language of the minorities. One language of the people who wanted to express themselves and describe the situation that they are living in – talking about political, social and personal issues.”
And these final quotes by Ben Herson that are so on point:
“It’s the most basic form of music. All you need is a beat and a voice.
“If you want rock and roll, you need money for instruments. With hip-hop you can bang on a table and rap. In its rawest form it’s very easy to make.”
You can read the whole article HERE
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