New Mr J Medeiros track, produced by Stro The 89th Key…as always they form an excellent team (deam I miss the Procussions).
This track is aimed at Crooks & Castles, especifically at their Malcom X merchandise.
Mr J Medeiros:
“After walking into a “fashion forward” clothing store, I noticed the famous “street wear” brand “Crooks and Castles” were selling a T-Shirt with Malcom X’s image on it. They also used one of his famous quotes “By any means necessary” within their “fashionable” design.
NOW, given the self proclaimed image of this famous “street wears'” “brand” (Taken from their facebook bio) “We at Crooks & Castles have always routed for the villain whether it be in a movie, a comic book, a novel, a rap song or everyday life.” and going even further to say, “Crooks & Castles”! The concept was easy. “Crooks”, criminals, pimps, hustlers, thieves, etc. And “Castles” those who got rich by becoming a crook.”- I asked myself “WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MALCOM X????”
Continue Reading After The Jump…
If any genre of music, style of clothing, or force for counter culture has a responsibility to the image and message of African American hero’s -it’s Hip Hop. “Street Wear” brands like “Crooks and Castles” tie themselves to Hip Hop’s built in fan base using the image, culture, and music to support its branding/finances. If your going to do so- do it with some respect. Calling Malcom X a “Crook” and twisting his statement “By any means necessary” to support a “villains” way of securing wealth or a “Castle” is an attempt at re-writing history for the soul purpose of profit…thanks “Christopher Columbus”.
This song is called “Books and Pastels” and it’s not going to change the world. It’s not going to put a single dent in “Crooks and Castles” following. Why? Because guns on a T- Shirt are COOL! They just are. This song is a song about principles- ones you can’t destroy with a T-Shirt. In support of this exclusive track I worked with French clothing company “LaFamille”– I’m hoping that you will see this one time print “Books and Pastels” as an alternative to wearing a poorly misplaced comment by another leader twisted for the purpose of profit in selling a “crooks” image. From the pulpit, to the political podium, down to the fashion peddlers we have seen enough “crooks” we just want something that means something.
T-Shirts are LIMITED- less the 40 on hand right now. Go to to order yours!”
Mr J Medeiros: Twitter • MySpace • Website