New track off the upcoming album ‘Thinking the Unthinkable‘ by Infinito 2017.
“Born October 26, 1975, in Chicago, Marcellous Lamont Lovelace first decided he wanted to make music his career when he was just 13 years old. He teamed up with his cousin Dariel, and the two spent hours in their basements recording crude beats and rhymes on their boomboxes. When he and his mother moved to Kentucky, Lovelace found solace in rapping, something that also kept him going after Dariel’s untimely death in 1994. Following that event, Lovelace moved to Tennessee and bought his first professional equipment and began recording. He enrolled in the Memphis College of Art, where he studied painting, also performing regularly at local open hip-hop mike nights. It was at one of these that he met Mr. Skurge; the two connected instantly and decided to work together, calling themselvesthe Unorthodox Poets Society (and it was Skurge who then gave Lovelace the name Infinito). In 1998, the MC moved back to Chicago, where he joined up with crews the Molemen and the Nacrobats, working on albums with them as well as releasing his own material (sometimes as Infinito 2017), including 2002’s Music with Sound Right Reasoning, 2004’s Low Income Housing, 2005’s Roddny Dangrr Fild, 2006’s The Soul of Benjamin Banneker in the Age of the Aquarius, 2008’s Most High Definition and 2010’s We Are Dark. “