Raised by wolves in a remote jungle in the rainforests of Brazil, is where a young wolf pup named Zero Star would hone his howling skills. In wolf culture howling skills translate into what we know in the human world as “rapping ability.” In one verse Star can take the listener through a number of regions with his ever changing flow, cadence, and rhyme pattern. He uses his delivery in such a manner; it’s as if his voice is another instrument. It doesn’t take the listener long to hear the influence of the 90’s in his music. While that influence is a consistent theme, it never feels overbearing to the ear. In fact, to hear it brings nostalgia that most hip hop has been missing. Zero is an artist that looks to his past, to bring awareness to his present, and make way for his future.”Gmail” is the lead single from Zero Star’s album “Maybe I’m Joking, Maybe I’m Not” produced by Chozin.
Shout out to Zero Star reaching out to us here at WIB…Very dope content homie keep it coming…ghea bang this properly!!
Zero Star:Website