The Thought is back with it again and this time it is with the song; Sons of Jerusalem. This song brings an understanding “of who fits within, or hails from, the Twelve Tribes of Israel, as many of us here on this Earth are Sons of Jerusalem”. Listening to the song, The Thought tries to challenge the notions and ideologies that have been fed through false tales “…and campaigns of hate to find a common enemy in the Powers that Be and the Ruling Class…”, as opposed to internal squabbles that have plagued people who have imbibed a false sense of identity rather seeing themselves as one part of a whole. This is why you hear lyrics such as “…sons of Jerusalem/ those who think they’re above, let’s go medusa them.”

With production from the legendary Willie B and a feature from the conscious hip-hop duo Zensoul, this song can foster a reawakening of the conscious mind and hopefully stir dialogues that will tinker the minds to lead the road to brotherly love amongst nations. This sounds like a tall order of course but keeping hope alive has its value if a goal is to be achieved. Amalia directs a beautiful visual for the song to help highlight the aesthetic of Jerusalem (the desert lands and the tents), without any direct symbolism to shine preference toward any religious interpretation in particular. This helps avoid the conversation of any type of signalling to Israel. The table is very symbolic though; you know the last supper with Twelve at the table representing the Twelve tribes of Judah. simple yet very poignant.

Check in with The Thought on SpotifySoundCloudYouTube

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