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The Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival Launches Kickstarter Campaign
Brooklyn Bodega, the brains behind the Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival launched their first

Kero One launches Kickstarter campaign for new album ‘Color Theory’
The LA native Kero One is starting a campaign to
INTERVIEW: Random & K-Murdock — Word Is Bond Exclusive Interview
The world is a small place, it really is. I
INTERVIEW: Zilla Rocca — Word Is Bond Exclusive Interview
Zilla Rocca I first heard of Zilla Rocca very recently,
NEWS/EVENT: Blue Scholars – Cinemetropolis Now Available For Digital Download
Blue Scholars: After releasing Cinemetropolis to those who helped fund the
NEWS: Blue Scholars Signs To The People For “Cinemetropolis”
CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO For their first album in
VIDEO: K Murdock Thanks You for Panacea’s Kickstarter Project Success
CLICK IMAGE TO WATCH VIDEO In case you don’t know