We at Word Is Bond have always -to the best of our abilities- lend a hand when it comes to supporting underground hip-hop music either by way of writing a few words about a project, a single,video or perhaps an upcoming show or anything related. With that being said, UK emcee/producer/veteran Funky DL is preparing a new body of work for the year 2014 and needs all the help he can get in putting finishing touches on said project which is titled Cut From The Illest Cloth.
He has just launched a kickstarter campaign to that effect and we at WIB gladly implore lovers of good hip-hop to come out en masse and show some love by way od donating a few notes towards Funky DL’s project. You can also check out the 2-part full 1hr interview he did to get a full glimpse of what the man has been up to and much more.
Funky DL aims to raise the bar & supersede his past work with his new hip-hop album “CUT FROM THE ILLEST CLOTH“. Come join the legacy!
“CUT FROM THE ILLEST CLOTH” is the brand new full length Funky DL album due to be released in the summer of 2014… Featuring a sound that will undoubtedly take his music to an exciting and new heightened level.