Mellowhype (OFWGKTA) – Break / Grill
Optical heater hooked up by OFWGKTA duo “Mellowhype”.. Hodgy Beats
FREENESS: Hodgy Beats – Untitled EP
Hodgy Beats – Cookie Coma (prod. The Alchemist) Hodgy Beats
INTERVIEW: 2 Hungry Bros – Word Is Bond Exclusive
2 Hungry Bros 2 Hungry Bros, the duo of producers
ALBUM REVIEW: Shinsight Trio – Moonlight Sunrise
Shin-Ski, Insight and DJ Ryow (a.k.a. Smooth Current) are Shinsight
INTERVIEW: Zilla Rocca — Word Is Bond Exclusive Interview
Zilla Rocca I first heard of Zilla Rocca very recently,
ALBUM REVIEW: Hail Mary Mallon – Are You Gonna Eat That?
To me, Aesop Rock has always been an emcee whose