NineFingers blazes our ears with this new song from his bag he has titled ‘Fenrir’. His background makes it a bit more interesting to listen to the song based on the fact that he used to be an indie rocker. He explains:

“I write autobiographical songs while diving into whatever genre currently interests me. Historically these songs are sad for one reason or another. I’m working on living a different kind of life to change that all around, we’ll see how it goes, wish me luck.”

This has always been the case with rockers but adding the hip hop element makes it all the more exciting. That is why Nine queries the idea in asking; “A retired indie rocker who is currently rotating between hip hop and gothic Americana releases? I don’t know y’all.” He is also worried some things he is saying might go over your heads so he quips in; “Jumps from reference to reference. Grab a set of encyclopedia’s if you feel like following them.”

You can also stream Fenrir by NineFingers on Spotify and Deezer.


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