Bay Area-born singer Ericalisa released her debut EP With My Chest in 2022 but before that, she gifted the world with a slew of releases via SoundCloud and thrilled crowds at her intimate live shows in California. Her latest release “underneath it all” is a sublime and mellow sultry tune that explores uncovering the layers of unravelling the mysteries of that new special someone. Lines like

I wanna know your every secret
Wanna know what you’ve been keeping
Wanna know what you’ve been hiding all along
Let my love go and adorn you

help set the tone and show Ericalisa’s desire to dive deep into this sea of blossoming love. Armed with her lilting and soft vocal tones and unapologetic songwriting, she gives audiences an intimate and gripping performance from start to finish.


Keep up with Ericalisa | Youtube: Spotify: TikTok: Facebook: Website: Instagram

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