Haji Outlaw and J. Arrr break into the “Private Line”
Producer Haji Outlaw teams up with NC-based rapper J. Arrr

Kool Keith & Haji Outlaw share two singles “Sporty Nights (Uber Eats)” and “Kool Kriminal”
The legendary emcee Kool Keith and eclectic producer Haji Outlaw

Haji Outlaw drops new EP ‘Digital Wraith Loop Adventures’
Producer/Comedian Haji Outlaw drops his new EP: Digital Wraith Loop Adventures,

Haji Outlaw reflects in his new release “Street Fallen (RIP Corey Martin)”
Haji Outlaw‘s new release “Street Fallen (RIP Corey Martin)” is

Haji Outlaw shares “After Good Sex (Leave U Alone)” and “Splash Mountain”
Producer Haji Outlaw shares “After Good Sex (Leave U Alone)”